Mayur Sharma

6 tips to find motivation in your daily life

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No desire to get up or to work, the lack of motivation gives way to a feeling of uselessness and gloom. How to find the path of motivation?

  • Learn to ease off

Motivation gives us wings. We are fishing, we are efficient and morale is high: a system of communicating vessels that works in both directions! Thus, the lack of motivation is often accompanied by a little slack: no desire, no morale, no energy … In short, when we lose motivation, we go from a virtuous circle to a vicious circle! To get out? We start by getting used to this idea: No, we cannot be at the top 365 days a year!

So we ease off the guilt, take the time to do nothing, and take a healthy break to recharge our batteries.

  • Refocus to move forward

A brilliant career, a fulfilled couple, a perfect family: an image of total success, which is sometimes overwhelming! In real life, it’s much less glamorous. We run a lot and we gladly improvise multitasking to keep the situation under control. And as we scatter, motivation fades. How about taking the time to refocus a bit? From time to time, we impose a little one-on-one with ourselves. And we ask ourselves some good questions.

What are my real priorities? What are my frustrations and my desires? A small point that we do regularly, to readjust the shot and target objectives that really make us vibrate.

  • Streamline your goals

The ambition? Yes, but with a pragmatic spirit! Because when you aim for the stars straight away, there is a chance that motivation will fade along the way. So, if we allow ourselves to think big and aim high, we nonetheless set our objectives in a rational and precise way. And we take the opportunity to mark out the path, by establishing intermediate objectives, in other words, levels. A recipe adapted to our small and big challenges! (And we think of congratulating ourselves …)

  • Get out of your comfort zone

How do you stay motivated when it’s the same routine every day? The good idea: get out of your comfort zone, by launching new challenges. For example, we focus on the basics, such as speaking in public. A little game of “heading or not heading? ”, Ideal for pushing away our fears in a fun way, opening up new horizons, and boosting self-confidence. And, as a bonus, a welcome breath to reconnect with motivation!

  • Stop the frustration?

The “to-do list” of the day, at first glance, is depression. Admittedly, we tend to think that chores, the faster they are dispatched, the better. Yet this reasoning is the open door to procrastination. We end the day full of frustration and stress, two great enemies of motivation! How to fight? We start by anticipating: rather than concentrating all the tasks that annoy us over the day, we distribute them over the week. Above all, we continue by extending the theme of our daily “to-do list”, to include a few small moments of pleasure.

  • Adopt a more rewarding point of view
When you run into an obstacle or feel stuck in an unpleasant situation, discouragement quickly rises. We may then be tempted to give up. What if we changed our point of view? OK, we may not have come to the end of our “to-do list”, but we did a lot of other things. What if, for once, we listed the work accomplished? An obstacle that we cannot overcome? We have already overcome critical situations: now is the time to remember them! We are not afraid to revalue our achievements and our achievements, to reconnect with motivation.

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